The Mill Church


A local church in Pickens, SC.



The Mill Church is a church where anyone can be transformed by the story of Jesus

Here at The Mill Church we’re committed to helping people live and love like Jesus. We provide the opportunity to have a life-changing experience every weekend through authentic worship, a practical message, and an opportunity to respond to God. So whether you’ve just begun your faith journey or you’re a committed Christian who’s ready to take your next steps, there’s a place for you here at The Mill.

Lives are being transformed daily. We want yours to be one of them. We hope you’ll join us!


It’s all about Jesus

The summary and sum of all our theological beliefs is Jesus Christ. Everything we believe—all the nuances of our doctrine—spring from knowing God through His son, Jesus. He’s the reason we exist, the goal we aim for, the explanation of life. Everything we do should directly reflect this core belief: it’s all about Jesus.

Everyone belongs

Good deeds have never saved anyone. And contrary to popular belief, Christians aren’t “holier than thou.” We’re all humans with the same needs for love and acceptance. We’ve found both through Jesus, and we want to help others also.

“Organized religion”

God chose people—specifically a community of people called the Church—to carry out His mission on Earth. That means the local church is meant to be God’s direct expression of love and acceptance to the world, and anyone who considers themselves a Christian should be an active part of the church.

History Of The Mill Church

In 2011, Pastor Bryan Holder was serving as the Student Pastor of Marathon Church in Powdersville, SC when he felt a call to plant a church in Pickens, SC. With the financial support, spiritual blessing, and about 60 core people of Marathon Church, Marathon Church Pickens launched its first service on October 2, 2011 at Pickens Middle School with 189 people in attendance. The church saw growth, new families and many salvations while meeting in the school.

On January 6, 2013 the church moved locations from the middle school to their current location at 158 Woodrow Street. With that move, the church experienced tremendous growth, doubling their average attendance. Sunday services were held in the fellowship hall while the worship center was being renovated to accommodate the growth that God was blessing the church with.

On September 21, 2014 the church held it’s first service in the newly renovated building with a record attendance of 477 people! With the ministry growing at the permanent location, God began to speak to Pastor Bryan about connecting even more with the community in which the church moved. So on April 26, 2015 Pastor Bryan shared the vision to rebrand Marathon Church Pickens to The Mill Church. Today, The Mill Church exists to reach people far from God, to teach people to live and love like Jesus and to meet the needs of others. God is at work at The Mill Church and we invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is on loving God and loving people!