Set Free Alliance


Given So Far: $406

A child-slave freeing mission.

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Already, over 10,000 children freed!


Set Free Alliance exists to take the love of God to the nations by freeing children from slavery and empowering them to change the future.
It’s hard to think about slavery still existing today. In the western world, we have a distant understanding of this kind of inhumane treatment. There’s talk of driving awareness, the abuse people suffer, and of course, plenty of people who simply don’t care.

But that’s enough about us.

There are over 45 million people living in modern day slavery across the globe, and India holds a whopping 18.3 million of them. That’s a huge number. In fact, it’s more than two times the population of New York City. And it’s a higher number than any other country’s on the globe.

In India, children are often kidnapped, orphaned, and sold into slavery with little hope of freedom. They are severely abused both emotionally and physically. That’s something that most of us can’t imagine being trapped in.

At Set Free Alliance, we want to introduce you to a few of those children. They are more real than many care to admit, and they need our help. They didn’t choose to be kidnapped from their families, or born into slavery. Just as we didn’t choose to be born into a country where we often take our freedom for granted

Take a moment and put yourself in their place. Follow their lives. Work in the extreme outdoor conditions with little or no food and water. Wait for days or years for medical treatment that wont come. Imagine not knowing what a bath is. Imagine holding in your disgust at your own odor or praying for the continual abuse to just end.

Now, make the choice to help. We don’t have one grand solution, or advanced schemes, but instead but we have the power of an almighty God and the unwavering knowledge that he has called us to rescue his children.

We make it possible for the number one charity in the state of Andhra Pradesh to physically pull children out of slavery and then reunite them with their families. The ones who have no family to go to are educated, trained, and spiritually nourished.

We know how to save millions.



because everything we have is a gift from God


of others both spiritually and physically


in all that we do


with honesty, excellence, and integrity