Palmetto Baptist Church


A local church in Powdersville, SC


A vibrant body of believers that are passionate about magnifying the Gospel through God-focused worship, Christ-centered preaching, and Spirit-directed living. We can’t wait to meet you!


The first step in experiencing what God is doing at Palmetto. You’ll meet people of all ages, backgrounds and worship styles united by our faith in Jesus Christ. Because of this special unity, you’ll feel welcomed into the warm, family atmosphere and sense of true community.


We believe growth is a key component to a healthy church. We are not merely a group of people who gather at a building, but a group of imperfect people pushing each other to keep our focus on Jesus Christ.


We pursue and live out gospel-centered community through Shepherding Groups. Made up of believers from all generations and walks of life, we meet throughout the week for fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, sharing stories and studying God’s Word.


God has commanded us to spread the Gospel for His glory! At Palmetto our goal is not to grow and become a large congregation, but to train and send those within our body to be effective witnesses for Christ in our community and around the world.