Nate and Laura Clonch — Ethnos360


A missionary couple with Ethnos360.

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The Clonches


Our mission is to go to an unreached people group in Papua New Guinea to establish a mature church among an indigenous people who have never before heard about Jesus.

Unreached People Groups

There are 7,097 total languages spoken in the world today. Every language has its own culture, so each one of these languages represents a people group. About 2,000 languages are still unknown, and until they’re translated, these unknown languages have no access to God’s Word or the gospel. This is what it means for a people group to be unreached.

Papua New Guinea

With 841 languages, Papua New Guinea is the most language-dense country in the world. Even after 2,000 years since Christ commissioned the Church to make disciples of all the nations, over 200 languages in PNG alone have yet to be translated. This means that they still have no clue about God, His Word or the amazing gift of His Son, Jesus.

Nate and Laura + Erin

After marrying in 2013, we began attending Grace Bible Church in Winston-Salem, NC. God provided us both with full-time jobs in our career fields (web developer and English teacher). After 3 years, we moved to Missouri to attend a full-time 2 1/2 year training school for missions to unreached people groups. After finishing our training with Ethnos360, Grace Bible Church took us on as our sending church.

Despite what sounds like an intense missionary endeavor, we were just normal people who had normal lives. After the training and during our time of preparation for the field, we’re still just normal people, and we’ll still just be normal people ten years into it. We don’t look forward to humid 100+ temps and the mosquitoes. We hate spiders and snakes just as much as the next person, but Christ gave a task to the church that still remains unfinished: The Great Commission to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ; we can all be a part of this, either by going ourselves or sending others to go to the uttermost. God so loved that he gave, and now it’s his love that compels us to give.


A thriving church for every people

Ethnos360: A Thriving Church for Every People Of the world’s 6,500 people groups, 2,500 are still unreached. Ethnos360, founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission, helps local churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to these peoples.

We minister among unreached people groups:

In 2,500 of the world’s 6,500 people groups, there is no church, nor is there any work being done to establish a church. These are the people among whom Ethnos360 works.

We work in the culture and language of the people:

These people groups’ cultures and languages have isolated them from the gospel. Missionaries must learn their language and understand their culture in order to clearly present the gospel and effectively plant a church.

We present foundational Bible teaching:

Unreached people groups have no concept of the God of the Bible. So Bible teaching begins at the same place God began with His chosen people: at the beginning. Chronological Bible teaching presents a foundation for understanding Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We establish mature churches:

Following the pattern seen in Acts as God’s people carried out the Great Commission, missionaries seek to establish mature churches that can take their rightful place as agents of change in their own communities and partners in the Great Commission.