Grace Church | Pelham


Given So Far: $792

A local church in Greenville, SC



Grace Church exists to make mature followers of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of spiritual passion that impacts their home, the community, and the world for Jesus Christ.


At Grace Church, we place a high value on the Scriptures, meaning that we seek to conform our lives to Biblical truth both individually and corporately. We believe that through his Word, God has revealed to us our true identity. Once dead because of our disobedience and sin, we by our very nature used to be subjects of God’s wrath. But in his rich mercy and love for us, God gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead (Eph. 1:1-5). Now, through faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we live as forgiven and free children of God (Rom. 8:15-17). Though not yet completely freed from sinning, we live now as ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20) and those who bear the very image of God (Gen. 1:27). Altogether we want to continually affirm that we are who God says we are — the broken and redeemed parts of us alike — and want to always be a people who return to the Scripture to remind ourselves of the identity that we have through our relationship with God through Christ.


Doctrine is what we believe about the things God has revealed concerning His people, His plan, and His world. Our doctrinal convictions help us understand the overarching storyline of the Bible—creation, fall, redemption, and restoration—and keep it from becoming mere history. In this way, doctrines provide meaning for the present and hope for the future. We believe that these Foundational Doctrines are fundamental to the Christian faith and have been taught and practiced accordingly for over 2,000 years. Agreement on these areas is essential for Grace Church practice and fellowship. These doctrines are not meant to be an end in themselves; these beliefs, revealed to us by God through His holy Scriptures, should lead into the praise of God and the practice of godliness.


Discipline is a key ingredient for any type of growth, especially spiritual growth. Discipline is difficult to cultivate and even harder to maintain. However, there is one thing that makes the act of becoming disciplined easier. We are disciplined about the things that we are passionate about! As Christians, we should be passionate about reaching our full potential in Christ. How do we go about cultivating a life of spiritual passion? There are many areas of the Christian life that are keys to this pursuit. As a church, we have identified six areas that we believe are foundational to becoming more like Christ and living a healthy and balanced Christian life.