Frontline Missions International


Given So Far: $30

A frontier missionary support organization.


Advancing the Gospel in the world’s difficult places

Frontline Missions works to advance the Gospel by forming vibrant, Word-centered, disciple-making churches, especially in those regions of the world that have the least Light. We are driven by the same desire as the apostle Paul, who said it was always his ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known (Romans 15:20). We pursue this goal by equipping Christians on the frontlines to reach their own people for Christ, by forming strategic partnerships with them, and by developing creative platforms in countries closed to traditional missions.

Radical Rescue Work

The cross is central in the Frontline logo, but more importantly it is at the heart of our message and mission. We believe in the centrality and finality of Christ’s work on the cross – of His radical rescue work for all of us. Knowing its life-giving power, we desire that all people hear this Good News. Many have heard it often, but many more have never heard it even once. So we focus on those with the least opportunity to hear, going to them with urgency, joy, and confidence because we have been sent by our King.

Bibles & Gospel Literature

Bible smuggling was our earliest passion, and it is still a great privilege to put the Bible into people’s hands for the first time in places like the Horn of Africa and Central Asia. In addition, Frontline Missions has published commentaries, devotionals, and Christian classics such as Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and Tozer’s The Pursuit of God in Russian, Arabic, Uzbek, Croatian, Polish, Mandarin, and Turkish.

Advocacy for Persecuted Christians

FMI is dedicated to being a voice for persecuted believers in other countries, along with our ongoing efforts to take the Gospel into restricted access countries. Many of these persecuted believers are on the frontlines, witnessing for Christ in areas that are hostile to the Gospel. They are shining as lights in very dark areas of the world that are dominated by hostile religions and totalitarian regimes.

Mercy Ministries

The Gospel is a specific message about a specific Person – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the Gospel message is adorned by acts of mercy. As we have received grace, we share it with others. Frontline Missions shares both the message and the mercy of the Gospel by providing assistance to refugees, orphans, and people with special needs.

Church Planting

In parts of the world where there is the least Light, “church” rarely means a building with a steeple. Instead, “church” is gatherings of believers meeting in an apartment or a mud hut, or even under a mango tree. We are committed to planting vibrant, Word-centered churches – not Western-style transplants, but churches that will take root in native soil. Whether this is done by Chinese, Arabs, Uzbeks, or Americans, Frontline is supporting and serving indigenous church planting movements.

Creative Access

In most countries hostile to the Gospel, it is not possible to get a “missionary” visa – but it is possible for believers to go in and stay in those countries if they bring needed skills with them. Through teaching, community development, medicine, business, and horticulture, Frontline Missions is developing platforms for work and witness in the world’s difficult places.

Training Leaders

William Carey, Hudson Taylor, and other missionary trailblazers led the way in crossing continents and cultures with the Gospel. People of every nation, tongue, and tribe came to Christ, churches sprang up, and they – in turn – began sharing the Gospel with their own people. Today there is a whole new, diverse missionary force that Christ has raised up from among many peoples. Frontline Missions is coming alongside this next generation of indigenous church leaders as they take the Gospel to their people – providing training, connecting them with a network of other regional leaders, and equipping them with tools for Bible study and exposition.