Aletheia Church


Given So Far: $314

A local church in Sedona, AZ


Our Story

Aletheia Church began in August 2014 in the Jennings’ home with Bible study and relationship building with those living in Sedona. As the Bible study grew, Josh sensed the need to begin finding another location to begin worship services. Aletheia had her first worship service in October 2014 at the Sedona Teen Center located on Posse Ground Road. The church had two more preview services, one in November and one in December. On January 18, 2015 Aletheia Church launched weekly services meeting each Sunday at 9am at the Sedona Teen Center. Aletheia celebrated its first baptism in May of 2015 where two adults publicly professed their faith in Jesus Christ. In the summer of 2015, Aletheia was outgrowing the kids area of the Teen Center, so the church began praying about where the next location of Aletheia would be. The Lord opened the door for Aletheia to rent facilities from another local church, and on August 30, 2015, Aletheia moved locations and began worshiping at Crestview Community Church. In 2020, Aletheia Church adopted Crestview Community Church and the congregations began serving our Lord TOGETHER as Aletheia Church! The Lord is doing amazing things at Aletheia and we invite you to join us as we seek to give every man, woman, and child in Sedona repeated opportunities to Come to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Go for Christ.

Core Values


We are made to know God, and there is no greater blessing than to be known by Him. We commit ourselves to not simply know about God, but to continually seek to know Him personally by submitting to His Word and pursuing Him in prayer.


We grow most when we live life together intentionally around God’s Word. We commit ourselves to regular worship attendance, authentic life group participation, and regular fellowship for our good and His glory.


Everything we are, and all that we have belongs to God. We commit to live openhanded, giving back sacrificially and joyfully of our treasure to support the ministry of Aletheia Church and promote the Kingdom of God on earth.


We received grace because Jesus came to serve rather than be served. We commit to pour ourselves out in service to one another and our community, taking advantage of opportunities to share the Gospel in winsome ways that encourage others to follow Christ also.