Young Life — Rutherford County


A youth club and camp ministry.



Young Life doesn’t start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don’t happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.

Our Mission

Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.​

Our Methods

We accomplish our mission by:

  • Praying for young people.
  • Going where kids are and building personal relationships with them.
  • Earning the right to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Providing fun, adventurous, life-changing and skill-building experiences.
  • Inviting kids to personally respond to the Good News and walking in friendship with them regardless of their response.
  • Preparing kids for a life-long relationship with Christ and a love for His word, His mission and the local church.
  • Working in community alongside like-minded adults (volunteer leaders, committee members, donors and staff).

Our Values

  • The Gospel — Living according to and communicating the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Scripture — Acting under the authority of Scripture and relying on the Holy Spirit to empower our ministry.
  • All Kids — Reaching adolescents of every ability and all economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Ecumenical — Collaborating with followers of Christ from various traditions and local churches worldwide.
  • Diversity — Welcoming those whom God calls to our mission — men and women of all ethnicities and abilities who are committed to the common purpose of introducing adolescents to Jesus
  • Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
  • Health — Encouraging our staff and volunteers in their personal and spiritual health so we may minister out of a consistent and growing relationship with Christ and His followers.
  • Stewardship — Observing the highest standards of stewardship of all the resources placed in our trust.
  • The Next Kid — Developing innovative approaches to reach uncommitted, disinterested young people around the world​