House of Grace Children’s Home and School


Given So Far: $981

A Christian orphanage and school in the Himalayas of India.

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India is the least churched country on earth by a staggering 9 times over (see the graphic in the gallery. Learn More) The toughest challenge in reaching those un-churched in India is the deep roots of the culture of Hinduism and Buddhism. The best solution to this challenge is reaching the children.

The House of Grace Children’s Home and School was founded in 1982 in Srinagar, Kashmir by Mawitei. In 1995, in order to escape the war in Kashmir, the home moved to the Manali area in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Currently, the orphanage is home to approximately 76 children, including 11 who are enrolled in college. Located on the same property, the school serves 164 children from the orphanage and the neighboring community in grades preschool through eighth grade. The children in ninth through twelfth grade must attend another school in the local community since the school does not have the resources to provide for those grades.

This ministry is deeply integrated with the small local church in Manali. The ministry is a significant portion of the Church in this village and very rare in this most un-reached part of the world.

Gifts provide critical financial support for children served by this ministry. The funding provides for the children’s food, clothing, medical and educational needs, as well as support for the ministry itself including facilities and staff.

To see some of the individual children, check out this page.